Robert Taylor Cole

Robert Taylor Cole was head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services’ (OSS) Secret Intelligence (SI) branch in Stockholm.
Robert Talor Cole is a recurring character in the novel The Wallenberg Dossier.
After the war, R. Taylor Cole emphasized in his memoir that, “our Hungarian interests and contacts occasioned a meeting with Raoul Wallenberg”, shortly before his departure for Budapest, suggesting that Wallenberg’s mission possibly also involved aspects that went beyond purely humanitarian aims.
Evidence shows that an important part of the communications between Swedish and Hungarian intelligence operatives was carried out via the Hungarian Legation in Stockholm. The Swedish and Allied cooperation also directly and indirectly involved individuals with whom Wallenberg  had personal contact at the time in Sweden. These were most notably Dr. Antal Ullein-Reviczky, the Hungarian Minister who knew Raoul Wallenberg since September 1943 and who attended his farewell dinner before Wallenberg’s departure for Budapest in July 1944; Captain Helmuth Ternberg (whose brother, the Swedish Navy Officer Egon Ternberg, was one of Raoul Wallenberg’s godfathers). Later, in Hungary, they included Lt. Thorsten Akrell, a special agent of the Swedish Defense Staff; Lt. Col. Harry Wester, the Swedish Military Attaché in Budapest; and Dr. Géza Soós, one of the leaders of the Magyar Függetlenségi Mozgalom (MFM, the Hungarian Independence Movement), Hungary’s main resistance group.