Studebaker Commander

The Studebaker Commander 1935 model is the one described in the novel The Wallenberg Dossier, driven by Wallenberg and Mira. The car appears in several chapters of the novel, especially when the two drive to the outskirts of Budapest, along the Danube river, to find some privacy in their love relation and in the dramatic moments in which the two save a Jewish couple from a shooting near a checkpoint.

The Studebaker Commander is the model name of several automobiles produced by the Studebaker Corporation of South Bend, Indiana in the United States. Studebaker began using the Commander name in 1927 and continued to use it until 1964, with the exception of 1936 and 1959-63. The Commander was the company’s mainstream product, the Studebaker Champion was the junior model, and other models were short lived or renamed through the years.

Studebaker Commander 1935
Rex Gray – 1942 Studebaker Commander Custom Cruising Sedan – black – rvl
1942 Studebaker Commander Custom Cruising Sedan