King Gustav V

Gustaf V, Oscar Gustaf Adolf, 16 June 1858 – 29 October 1950 was King of Sweden from 1907 until 1950 when he died. He was the eldest son of King Oscar II of Sweden and Sophia of Nassau, a half-sister of Adolphe, Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Reigning from the death of his father Oscar II in 1907 to his own death 42 years later, he is the oldest monarch of Sweden and the third-longest rule, after Magnus IV and Carl XVI Gustaf. He was also the last Swedish monarch to exercise royal prerogatives, although they were formally abolished only with the remaking of the Swedish constitution in 1974. He was the first Swedish king since the High Middle Ages not to have a coronation.

Gustav V is described in different parts of the novel The Wallenberg Dossier.

sv:Herrman Sylwander (1883–1948) – Winge, Erik (ed.) (1938), Sveriges styresmän 1937 : Konungens statsråd, riksdagsmän, landstingsmän, stadsfullmäktige, överståthållaren, landshövdingar och borgmästare : jämte historiker över regeringsmakten, Sveriges riksdag, landstings- och stadsfullmäktigeinstitutionerna, Stockholm: Vepe. Public Domain